Somalia Women in Technology

    In the celebrations for Girls in ICT day 2021 we are very happy to showcase the Somalia Women in Technologysocieties thoughts on thechallenges that face women and girls in ICT in Somalia and how we can overcome these challenges.


    1. Taariikhda Waxbarashada: Waxan baratay ICT kanabaxday jamacada bariga africa Garowe.
    2. Khibrad shaqo: Waxan ka mida ah hawl wadeenada Somali Women Technology Garowe.
    3. Tirada Dumarka barananyan feildigan ee Puntland: Ma umalaynayo in dumar badan magalada kubartaan ICT.
    4. Dumarka ku shaqeeya feildigan :Way jiraan dumar kushaqeeya ICT lkn aad uma badna.
    5. Caqabadaha dumarka ay wajahaan:caqabada way badan yihiin lkn waxan oran karaa:
    6. dumarka ICTga barta oo yar
    7.  faham fiican oo aan laga haysan ICT una arkayaan bulshada mid dumarka aysan baran karin oo raga loogutalagalay.
    8. goobo kasaacida gabdhaha in lagu dhiirigaliyo barashad ICT oo yar.
    9.  Soo jeedin: waxay samaynkaraan dawlada iyo gooboha gaarka ah:
    10. acyigalin bulshada loo sameeyo lana fahamsiiyo ICT.
    11. in labadiyo tirada ardada gabdhaha kuu biiraya ICT.
    12. in dawlada iyo goobaha gaarka looleeyahay shaqo abuur usameeyaan gabdhaha bartey ICT
    13.  In Labadiyo goobaha kacaawinaya gabdhaha dhiirigalinta  barashada ICTga iyo kor uqaadista xirfadooda
    14. Aragtidayda :Waxan rajaynayaa ilaahay idinki cilmiga an bartey uga faaiideeyo dadka iyo bulshada aan la noolahay gaar ahaan gabdhaha somaaliyeed.


    1. Educational Background: Graduate of faculty of ICT East Africa university Garowe.
    2. Work experience: Part of theSomali Women Technology Garowe.
    3. Number of Women learning ICT in Puntland: I don’t think there are many females studying ICT in Garowe.
    4. Women working in ICT: There is a small number of females working in the ICT sector in Garowe.
    5. Challenge’s women and girls in ICT face: The challenges are many including:
    6. Fewer ICT women.
    7. A lack of understanding of ICT and seeing it as something that women cannot learn it and that ICT related jobs are only intended for men.
    8. Girls who volunteer to encourage other girls to learn ICT.
    9. Solutions: What can the government and private sector do:
    10. Community outreach and ICT understanding.
    11. Double the number of female students joining ICT.
    12. Create jobs for girls who have studied ICT in the public and private sectors.
    13. Double support for girls to encourage learning about ICT and improving their skills.

    7. Vision for the future: I hope that God willing I  will use the knowledge I have gained to benefit the people and the society I live in, especially Somali girls.

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