Somalia Women in STEM

    In the celebrations for Girls in ICT day 2021 we are very happy to showcase the Somalia Women in STEMsocieties thoughts on thechallenges that face women and girls in ICT in Somalia and how we can overcome these challenges.


    1. Taariikhda Waxbarashada:  shahaadada heerka koowaad ee Jaamacadda (Bachelor degree) Information technology (IT) jaamacada PSU.
    2. Khibrad shaqo: 5 sano khabrad, Shirkado gaar loo leeyahay, kuwa dowliga ah iyo ururo caalami ah intabo waan ka so shaqeye.
    3. Tirada Dumarka baranayaan feildigan ee Puntland: waxa ku dhex jira feildigan tiro gabdho ah oo badan markii loo eego sanadihii hore. Sanadkii 2014 iyo wixii ka horeeyay tirada gabdhaha jaamacadaha dhigta ee kuliyada Technologyga aad bay u yarayd balse sanadahan dambe tiradoodu way soo kordhaysaa oo jaamacadaha dalka fasalkiiba waxa ay ka yihiin 25% qiyaas ahaan tusaale ahaan Garowe tirada dumarka jaamacadaha dhigta waxa ay ahaayeen 2019  4 jaamacadood : 200 Dumar ah.
    4. Dumarka ku shaqeeya feildigan: Gabdhaha kuliyadan jaamacadaha banaanka kasoo dhigtay iyo kuwa dalka ka dhigtay inta shaqeeya waliba ku shaqaysta xirfada ay barteen aad bay u yartahay.
    5. Caqabadaha dumarka ay wajahaan:Dumarka Feildigan Technologyga ku dhex jira waxa ay wajahaan caqabado badan marka ay ku biiriyaan kuliyadahan marka ay dhiganayaan iyo marka ay ku shaqaynayaan intaba qaar kamid ahna waa kuwan soo socda:
    6. Caqabad bulsho iyo mid qoys : bulshada oo u aragta in ay feildiyada noocaan ah ay ragga u gaaryihiin ama aysan dumarku ka shaqayn Karin. Waxa dhacda in waalidku ka hor istaagaan kubiiritaanka kuliyadaha STEMKa iyaga oo kula talinaya kuliyado ay u arkaan in ay gabdhuhu ku fiican yihiin. sidoo kale waxa dhacda in goobaha shaqada in aysan ka helin soo dhawyn iyo tixgelin .
    7. Gabdhaha oo aan haysan gabdho kuliyadan kaga horeeyay oo guulaystay(Lack of role models): Majiraan gabdho badan oo ka miro dhaliyay hamigoda oo aygabdhaha kale ku dayan karaan Taas caksigeeda waxa ay arkaan dumar kuliyadahan kabaxay oo shaqo la’aan ah.
    8. Kalsooni darro iyo Cabsi(Lack of confidence): Gabdhaha kuliyadahan kujira oo aan kalsooni isku qabin , taas oo ay keentay caqabadaha ku gadaaman , Qalo ayay ku dareemaan maadaama Feildigan looga tiro badan yahay waxana dhacda in aysan Hammi iyo hadaf sare kalahayn kuliyadahan.
    9. cid gaar ah oo caawisa oo aan jirin: ma jirto caawimaad xooggan oo ay helaan taas bedelkeedana dadka niyad jebiya oo badan.
    10. Gabdhaha xirfadooda oo liidata : maadaama aysan samayn gacan kuhayn badan (Pratical) ama aysan ku shaqayn xirfada ay barteen.
    11. Soo jeedin: Waxa jira waxyaabo badan oo xal loogu heli karo caqabadahan hadii ay wadajir uga shaqeeyaan Dowlada iyo ururada bulshada sida Somali women in STEM oo arimahan ka shaqeeya. Si loo kordhiyo kaqayb qaadashada dumarka ee feildigan waxa la samayn karaa Qodobadan hoose:
    12. Wacyigelin : In la sameeyo wacyigelin iyo olole balaaran Iana abuuro jawi gabdhaha ufududynaya islamarkaana jeclaysiinaya barashooyinka maadoyinkan si xal loogu helo caqbadaha baahsan. Wacyigelintaas oo gabdhaha lagu dhiirgelinayo , bulshadana lagaga tirtirayo fahanka qaldan ee ah in an gabdhaha feildigan logu talo gelin ama aysan ka shaqayn karin.
    13. In gabdhaha loo sameeyo xarumo hal abuur : women innovation hubs. Si ay ugu noqoto meelo ay kusoo hirtaan kuwaas oo ay ka helaan mashrucyo horamarined , tababaro , talooyin iyo in ay ku samystaan saaxiibo xirfaded iyo kuwo shaqo.
    14. In la kor loo qaado heerka shaqaalysiinta gabdhaha: In Dowladu u qareento qorshena ka yeelato sidii loo kordhin lahaa tirada iyo tayada gabdhaha ku dhexjira feildigan. In laga shaqeeyo yaraynta caqabadaha gabdhaha qabsada isla markaana la badiyo fursadaha ku hayn kara in ay kusii dhex jiraan feildigan.
    15. Aragtidayda (My vision): Waxa aan qorshaynayaa in aan waxbarashadyda aan horay usii wado khibradayda ku aadana sii kordhiyo islamarkaana aan samaysto Ganacsi Technology wayn oo guulaysta . Sidoo kale waxan ku rajo waynahay in aan kasii shaqeeyo sidii ay gabdho badan oo guulaysta ay kuliyadahan ugusoo bixi lahaayeen aniguna aaan u noqdo tusaale ay ku daydaan. Islamarkaana aysan la kulmin caqabadahihii aan soo marnay aniga iyo lodkaygii markii aan kusoo jirnay hayaanka waxbarashada iyo ku shaqaynta feildigan.


    1. Educational Background: Frist class BSc in Information technology, Puntland State University.
    2. Work experience: 5 years’ experience in different places including; Private, public sector and international organizations.
    3. Number of Women learning ICT in Puntland: There are more girls in ICT than in previous years. In 2014 and before, the number of female university students in the Faculty of Technology was very small but in recent years the number has increased and the number of university students in each class is roughly about 25% currently, and in Garowe 2019 the number of females in 4 major universities were calculated to around 200 Women.
    4. Women working in ICT: The percentage of girls who graduated from ICT fields and studied in universities located in Somalia or outside Somalia and are currently working in ICT filed is very small.
    5. Challenge’s women and girls in ICT face: Women and girls in the ICT fields face many challenges starting with deciding to study ICT and while studying, when they are looking for jobs and while working in ICT sector in Somalia, some of these challenges are:
    6. Societal and familial barriers: the Somali society that feels that the ICT field is for men only and women cannot work in the ICT sector. Parents may be reluctant to allow girls to join STEM related faculties and would even recommend girls to attend other faculties that they think are good for girls such Medicine and Nursing. It also happens that the girls in the workplace don’t receive a warm welcome and consideration.
    7. Lack of role models:  Not many girls and women in ICT fields have achieved their goals to the extent that other girls can emulate them. On the contrary, it’s more likely they see girls and women graduating from ICT universities and are unemployed.
    8. Lack of confidence: Girls and women in ICT who lack confidence in them self’s and their abilities, due to external constraints, and the fact that they are a minority in this field, this leads them not aspiring to achieve their full potential.
    9. No one to help: no strong help available to girls and females in ICT while there are many people available to discourage them.
    10. poor skills: A lot of the women and girls in ICT have low and poor skills as they do not practice a lot or actually use the skills they have learned.
    11. There are many solutions to these challenges if the government and civil society organizations such as Somali women in STEM work together to address these issues. To increase the participation of women in this field, the following points can be made:
    12. Awareness: To raise awareness and campaigns and to create an environment that facilitates and appeals to girls to learn these subjects in order to solve widespread challenges. This awareness campaign is aimed at encouraging girls and eradicating the misconception that girls in this field are not suited for, or cannot work in ICT fields.
    13. Establish creative centers for girls (women innovation hubs): To find to places where they can develop projects, attend trainings, get advice and become friends with other professional and working women and girls in the ICT sector.
    14. Raise the level of employment for girls: The government should advocate for and plan to increase the number of girls in the ICT field and enhance their abilities. They MUS ALSO Work to reduce the challenges that girls face and increase their chances of choosing and staying in the ICT field.
    15. : I plan to further my education and experience and build a successful Technology Business. I also hope to continue working to ensure that more successful girls graduate from these colleges and that I will be a role model for them. It’s my hope that girls do not face the same challenges I faced during my educational journey and working in this field.
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