The National Communications Authority (NCA) in collaboration with the the National Telecommunications Institute(NTI) will be hosting a competition as part of the annual celebration of girls in ICT day on April 2023 to empower and encourage girls and young women to embrace careers in the growing field of information and communications technology (“ICT”).
- Girls studying in high school.
- Girls in university studying ICT-related subjects in universities in the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Competition Topics:
Please choose only one of the following topics.
- Tech Entrepreneurship: Obstacles and opportunities:
Discuss the issues and obstacles female population in Somalia face in order to establish careers in the technology sector, entering the workforce as well as becoming leaders in the ICT fields and produce a solution to solve the above-mentioned issues. Participants must send an application that describes the problems girls face in establishing a Tech Entrepreneurship business and how their solution will solve it, or present a business idea based on Tech Entrepreneurship and you must use ICT tools such as: Video, Website, or Mobile App. - Educational Resources: Obstacles and opportunities:
Discuss the availability of educational resources in ICT-specific subjects, and apply ICT tools to provide access to advanced topics, certifications, and educational resources. Your answer must describe the problem you want to solve, and how your solution will solve it and you must use ICT tools such as: Video, Website, or Mobile App. - Climate change: Obstacles and opportunities:
Describe one of the climate-related problems the female population in Somalia face and how it affects their daily lives and apply ICT tools to solve those problems. Your answer must describe the problem you want to solve, and how your solution will solve it and you must use ICT tools such as: Video, Website, or Mobile App.
Steps to join the Competition:
To participate in the Girls in ICT day 2023 Competition:
- Visit the https://girlsinict.so/
- Download the Competition forms available in English and Somalia,
- Fill out one of the forms.
- Submit the filled form to this email address: info@girlsinict.so
- Start date of application: 12th of March 2023.
- Due Date for Girls In ICT Day Competition Form submission: 27th of March 2023
Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka (HIQ) oo kaashaneysa Machadka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka ayaa qaban doona tartanka Maalinta Gabdhaha ICT-ga ee sannadka 2023 (Girls in ICT day 2023) si loo xoojiyo looguna dhiirigeliyo gabdhaha iyo haweenka sidii ay ugu biiri lahaayeen xirfadaha ICT-ga ee sii kordhaya.
Ka qeybgalayasha tartanka:
- Gabdhaha dhigtaan dugsiga sare (fasalka-1 ilaa fasalka-4).
- Gabdhaha Jaamacadaha ka barta maadooyinka la xiriira ICT-da.
Mawduucyada Tartanka:
Fadlan dooro mid ka mid ah mowduucyada soo socda.
- Abuurista Xirfado Dhanka Teknoolojiyadda:
Caqabadaha iyo fursadaha. Ka dooda arrimaha iyo caqabadaha gabdhaha iyo haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay kala kulmaan abuurista xirfadaha dhanka teknoolojiyadda, helista shaqada iyo sidoo kale inay hormuud ka noqdaan dhinacyada teknoolojiyadda. fadlan, soo saara talo lagu xalliyo arrimaha aan kor ku soo xusnay. Ka qaybqaataha waa in uu soo diraa arji qeexaya dhibaatooyinka gabdhaha iyo haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay kala kulmaan Samaynta Ganacsiga (Tech entrepreneurship) iyo sida loo xalin karo, ama soo bandhig fikrad ganacsi oo ku salaysan (Tech Entrepreneurship). Jawaabtaadu waana inaad u isticmaashaa qalabka ICT sida: Video, Website, ama Mobile App. - Agabka Waxbarashada: Caqabadaha iyo fursadaha:
Ka hadal helitaanka agabka waxbarasho ee maadooyinka gaarka ah ee ICT-ga iyo sida loo adeegsan karo agabka ICT-ga si ay ardeyda u helaan aqoon sare iyo shahaadooyin hormarsan. Fadlan, isticmaal aaladaha ICT-ga si aad u xalliso dhibaatadaas. Jawaabtaadu waa inaad ku xustaa dhibaatada iyo xalkeeda adigoo isticmaalayaa Qalabka ICT-ga sida: Video, Website ama App. - Isbeddelka Cimilada: Caqabadaha iyo Fursadaha:
Sharax mid ka mid ah dhibaatooyinka la xiriira isbeddelka cimilada, iyo sida ay u saameyso nolol maalmeedkeedka haweenka iyo gabdhaha ku nool Soomaaliya Fadlan, isticmaal aaladaha ICT-ga si aad u xalliso dhibaatadaas. Jawaabtaadu waa inaad ku xustaa dhibaatada iyo xalkeeda adigoo isticmaalayaa Qalabka ICT-ga sida: Video, Website ama App.
Shuruudaha Tartanka. Sida aad uga qeybgashid tartanka:
- Waa in aad booqata https://girlsinict.so/
- Waa in aad soo dagsataa foomaka tartanka, af Somaliga ama Englishka,
- Waa in aad ka jawabtid mid ka mid ah su’alaha tartanka.
- Waa in aad Email kaan ku soo dirtid info@girlsinict.so foomka oo dhameystiran.
- Taariikhda bilaabashada codsiga: 12-ka Maarso 2023.
- Taariikhda kama dambaysta soo gudbinta Foomka: 27-ka Maarso 2023.
Ogeysiis, fadlan ka qaybgado aqoon isweydaarsiga iyo tababarka ee soo socda oo ka mid Girls in ICT Day 2023, si aad aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo uga korodhsatid mawduucyada la xidhiidha ICT, wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah fadlan u soo dir su’aalahaaga info@girlsinict.so