Girls in ICT day 2022

    Girls in ICT Day 2022

    The National Communications Authority (NCA) in collaboration with the ministry of Communications and Technology (MOCT), and the National Communications Institute will be hosting a competition as part of the annual celebration of girls in ICT day on April 2022 to empower and encourage girls and young women to embrace careers in the growing field of information and communications technology (“ICT”).

    • Girls studying in high school.
    • Girls in university studying in ICT related subjects in universities in the Federal Republic of Somalia.

    Competition Topics:

    Please choose only one of the following topics.

    1. Employability of women: Obstacles and opportunities.

    Discus the issues and obstacles Somali girls and women face in gaining jobs and entering the workforce as well as becoming leaders in their fields and especially the technology sector and produce a solution to solve the above-mentioned issues, your application must describe the problem you want to solve, how your solution will solve it and you must use ICT tools such as:

    • Video
    • Website
    • App

    2. Safety of women: Obstacles and opportunities.

    Discus the safety related problems Somali girls and women face in Somalia and how it effects their daily life’s and apply ICT tools to solve those problem, your application must describe the problem you want to solve, how your solution will solve it and you must use ICT tools such as:

    • Video
    • Website
    • App

    3. Women in Health. Obstacles and opportunities.

    Describe the one of the health-related problems Somali girls and women face in Somalia and how it effects their daily life’s and apply ICT tools to solve those problem, your application must describe the problem you want to solve, how your solution will solve it and you must use ICT tools such

    • Video
    • Website
    • App
    Steps to join the Competition:

    To participate in the Girls in ICT day 2022 Competition:

    Terms and Conditions:
    • Start date of application: 30th of March 2022.
    • Due Date for Girls I​n ICT Day Competition Form submission: 10th of April 2022.
    • Participants must complete the Girls in ICT Day Competition Form by the deadline 10th of April 2022.

    Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka (NCA) oo kaashaneysa wasaaradda Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada (MOCT), iyo Machadka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka ayaa qaban doona tartan qeyb ka ah dabbaaldegga sannadlaha ah ee Girls in ICT day 2022, si loo xoojiyo laguna dhiirigeliyo gabdhaha iyo Haweenka in ay bartan cilmiga ICT-da, luguna tixigaloyo fursadaha shaqada ee kabanan ICT-da.

    Ka qeybgalayasha tartanka
    • Gabdhaha dhigtaan dugsigayada sare from-1 ilaa form-4.
    • Gabdhaha Jaamacadaha ka barta maadooyinka la xiriira ICT-da.

    Mawduucyada Tartanka : 

    Fadlan dooro mid ka mid ah mowduucyada soo socda.

    1. Shaqaalaysiinta haweenka: Caqabadaha iyo fursadaha. Ka dood arrimaha, caqabadaha gabdhaha iyo haweenka Soomaaliyeed ee kala kulman in la shaqaaleysiiyo iyo in ay galaan shaqada, sidoo kale in ay hormuud ka noqdaan goobahooda shaqo, gaar ahaan qeybta tignoolajiyada soona  saar xal lagu xalliyo arrimaha kor ku xusan, isticmaal aaladaha ICT-da si aad u xalliso dhibaatadaas, xalkaadda waa in uu qeexaa dhibaatada aad rabto inaad xaliso waana inaad isticmaashaa qalabka ICT-da sidda: Video, Website ama Apps.

    2. Badqabka haweenka: Caqabadaha iyo fursadaha.

    Ka dood dhibaatooyinka la xiriira amniga gabdhaha iyo haweenka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Soomaaliya, sida ay u saameeysay nolol maalmeedkooda, isticmaal aaladaha ICT-da si aad u xalliso dhibaatadaas, xalkada waa inuu qeexaa dhibaatada aad rabto inaad xalliso, waana inaad isticmaashaa Qalabka ICT-da sida: Video, Website ama App.

    3. Caafimaatka Haweenka: Caqabadaha iyo fursadaha.

    Sharax mid ka mid ah dhibaatooyinka la xiriira caafimaadka gabdhaha iyo haweenka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Soomaaliya iyo sida ay u saameyso nolol maalmeedkooda, isticmaal aaladaha ICT-ga si aad u xalliso dhibaatadaas, xalkada waa inuu qeexaa dhibaatada aad rabto inaad xalliso, waa inaad isticmaashaa aaladaha ICT-da sida: Video, Website ama App.

    Shuruudaha Tartanka.

    Sida aad uga qeybgashid tartanka:

    • Waa in aad booqata
    • Waa in aad soo dagsataa foomaka tartanka, af Somaliga ama Englishka,
    • Waa in aad ka jawabtid mid ka mid ah su’alaha tartanka,
    • Waa in aad Email kaan ku soo dirtid foomka oo dhameystiran.
    • Taariikhda bilaabashada codsiga: 30-ka Maarso 2022.
    • Taariikhda kama dambaysta soo gudbinta Foomka: 10-ka Abriil 2022.



    Ogeysiis, fadlan ka qaybgado aqoon isweydaarsiga iyo tababarka ee soo socda oo ka mid Girls in ICT Day 2022, si aad aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo uga korodhsatid mawduucyada la xidhiidha ICT, wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah fadlan u soo dir su’aalahaaga


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